Sunday, 21 October 2012

Foods to Decrease Inflammation and Promote Healing

·         Good quality fats – especially Omega-3 and rich foods such as, fish, walnuts, and grass-fed beef. Cold pressed olive oil (not heated) and cold pressed coconut oil and coconut milk, organic butter and ghee. In addition, avocados, nuts and seeds are also good quality fats.
·         Avoid – Canola oil, vegetable oil and rice bran oil.

·         Fruits and vegetables – Some fruits are particularly rich in enzymes that help decrease inflammation, such as bromelain (pineapple), and papain (papaya). Whole fruits and vegetables are also rich in vitamins, fibre, antioxidants, and phylo-chemicals. They are very alkalizing to the body as an alkaline environment does not promote inflammation.
·         Avoid – Soy corn, white potatoes and grains.

·         protein – Free range and game meats are very high in Omega-3 fats and are a great source of protein to aid in tissue halting. Wild caught fish and free range poultry and eggs are also great sources of protein that won’t promote inflammation.
·         Avoid – Grain fed – feed lot beef, conventional pork and chicken as these sources of meat are very high in Omega-6 and are also loaded with antibiotic residues and growth promotants (hormones). In addition, avoid farm raised fish as they are fed a diet based on soy, often are genetically modified and have high amounts of antibiotic reside in the flesh. Farm raised salmon is also dyed orange because it is naturally grey in colour. 

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